Best minesweeper game how to#
I imagined a scenario in my head in which I would timidly ask her what game she was playing, and she’d look at me like I was a feral animal who’d never had the classic Windows game suite of 3D Pinball and FreeCell (which to this day, I have no idea how to play. But she had her AirPods in, so I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt her to ask which Minesweeper game it was. There are a ton of Minesweeper games in the App Store, but I’ve never been able to find the right one, and here was someone in front of me, mining away. I was on the train this week when I noticed a woman playing Minesweeper on her iPhone. I exclusively play Minesweeper on my phone, because I saw someone playing it on the very subway I love to hate on. But now I have become one of the very people I have mocked. To me, this was like walking into an all-you-can-eat buffet and only eating spoonfuls of ketchup. I couldn’t believe people were still playing Candy Crush, or even worse, 2048. Moving back to America after living in Korea was like stepping into a time warp. Still, it was the fast internet that made playing MMORPGs on the train possible, and for three years on my daily commute, I saw every different kind of mobile game you could think of on the screens I’d peek over at. It was always a thrill, but short-lived, as the mobile game industry shifted so fast that every few weeks, there was another new game that people had already moved on to. In Seoul, I was working in game localization at a mobile game studio, and sometimes I’d see people playing our games on the subway. Now I have become one of the very people I have mocked But sometimes you just want to idly waste time on a pointless game when you’re bored! This is actually good in its own way, because New Yorkers use their time on the subway to read or listen to podcasts, and it definitely motivated me to pick up my Kindle again. The point is, this is the kind of MTA service we’re dealing with here, so of course there’s no Wi-Fi, which makes playing mobile games that need an internet connection hard. It was the most bonded I have ever felt to other New Yorkers - and this happened around Christmas, adding to the holiday magic. One time, a rat came aboard my train and all hell broke loose until someone kicked it so hard it hit the wall and died. Trains in South Korea run with impeccable precision, the subways are spotless, and there’s fast Wi-Fi onboard on every line. I enjoyed the novelty of the classic Windows 95 tabs and the iconic pixelated palm tree cards for one game before I forgot about it, but the experience did get me thinking about when I moved to New York City three years ago from South Korea, and the first time I saw someone on the subway playing Solitaire on their phone. I don’t know what I did to piss Instagram off so much it put me in the demographic of ‘people who play Bejeweled Blitz on non-timed mode,’ but the ad worked, because I downloaded the game. I recently got an ad for Solitaire 95 on Instagram.